
Who am I and why should you care? Good question and I don’t know the answer. I mean, I know who I am but I can’t think of one good reason why you should care unless you are related to me and/or married to me and then you should care a great deal. You should also care about me if you’ve been to my house and I’ve fed you dinner, which is probably true for all 3 of you who are reading my blog.  

If you are still reading, you’re probably thinking, “Why doesn’t she say something relevant already?” I hear you and I’ll try hard, not try harder, like Avis.

My name is Andrea but I pronounce it 'On-dray-ah'. I’m old enough to remember playing Pong on the TV, I’ve been married long enough to surprise my family who didn’t think a wedding in Vegas would last (15 years & counting) and I have one awesome son. I wanted more kids, four to be exact, but that’s another story. I love Jesus, love creativity and love to laugh and I love, love, love when all three are combined.

I grew up within a Mennonite culture, in a small town in the prairies. I have a strong Bible background and like many Christian kids, I experimented and taunted God by doing stuff and then asking, “Do you love me now?” It took a few years before I was satisfied that I was loved and since 1998, I did like the song, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.”

I started writing when my son was born and I received enough positive feedback to think maybe God was going to do something with it. I’m not a professional writer, but I’d like to be. Even more than that, I want to speak and teach so that the bride of Christ is ready for the Great Wedding.

I never stop learning and what I learn, I pass on in my writing. I’ve never wanted to be one of ‘those people’ that write or speak simply for the sake of writing or talking and I hope that if you’ve found my blog, you’ll find something meaningful that will challenge you and even make you laugh and you’ll want to share it with others.

If you comment on my posts, I promise I’ll do my best to interact with you and if you contact me by email or twitter, I’ll respond.

Thanks for going on this journey with me. Let’s have fun together.

Email: andrea (at) andreayorkmuse (dot) com
twitter: andreayorkmuse

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