Christians pray. I pray and I’ve heard a lot of others prayer over the years. One phrase I hear often is, “If it be your will...” I used to say it myself, I don’t anymore but I still hear it being spoken wherever prayer is being prayed, especially in prayers over sickness, disease or other dark circumstances. I hear it so often I began to wonder where it’s found in the Bible. Since the beginning of 2014, I’ve read through the entire Bible once and I’m on my 3 rd round of reading through the New Testament. Each time I’ve read in different translations and you know what I’ve found? There is only one example of this being Jesus, just before the events leading to his crucifixion. I’m puzzled, and whenever I am puzzled I have questions. Is praying, “ If it be your will...,” a valid prayer phrase? I asked the Lord about it, I’ve looked at the Scriptural reference, and I’ve researched what other [wise and scholarly] Christians have said about it and this is my con...