What I Know For Sure
In her first O, The Oprah Magazine column, Oprah wrote: "We are all the causes of our own effects, ... That's why I'll never stop asking the question, 'What do you know for sure?'"
Nearly every Tuesday morning for 6 years when I was leading Women’s Ministry at the church, one woman shared what she knew for sure. It never ceased to amaze me that the number of women who attended and the same amount of different ways that God taught us all different things for the seaon we were in our lives.
This week over at Kingdom Bloggers, we are writing about the most important lesson we’ve learned in our faith journey. You could say we’re answering the question Oprah asks every month in her magazine.
What do you know for sure? Click over to Kingdom Bloggers and check out what I know for sure and leave a message to desribe your most important lesson.
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