Lies Christians Believe #1

It grieves the heart of the Father to see his children walking and living in defeat. John 10 tells us the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, and by a quick survey of many North American churches, it appears we’ve rolled over and bared our bellies; not believing we have a choice in the matter as the enemy plunders the fruit of our lives. It’s wrong and it must stop, but it won’t until we replace the lies the enemy has been telling us for years with the truth God desires to reveal to us.

A few months ago I had a heart to heart conversation with a friend who was struggling with passion for Christ. She had many concerns in her life – parenting, financial, work, relationships. She was weary by the constant struggle. I felt powerless to offer practical encouragement but then she said something that made me realize what the root problem was. She said, “Maybe God wants me to hit rock bottom, so that I’ll call out to him.” Ummm, back up a step – wrong.

What she was saying is that God - our loving Father - delights to pin our head to ground with the heel of one boot, only to kick dirt in our face with the other and not let up until we cry, “Uncle.” It seems ridiculous to read it like that but there are many, many Christians who believe it.

The problem with believing the lie is that we allow the enemy to steal from us. Jesus died and everything is paid for. Don’t you hate it when you are double-billed for something? If that happens, don’t you point it out to the cashier and ask for a correction? Jesus paid it all, so why do we insist on paying for it again? When we do that, it nullifies his death.

The truth we need to replace the lie is that God is good – always good and we walk in victory, never defeat.

2 Corinthians 2:14, But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. (ESV)

It doesn’t mean that we won’t have temptation and we won’t be led into hard places, but we can walk in victory. Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted, but where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom [to be victorious].

In the book, The Seer, by James Goll, he writes:
Jesus is our example. In the wilderness, Jesus was full of the Spirit and led by the Spirit, and from that place He had victory over the devil. The only way we can ever hope to engage satan and come out victorious is to be filled with a lead by the Holy Spirit...Filled and led by the Spirit, we have the power, as Jesus did, to encounter and defeat the enemy. It is only under the Lord’s umbrella of protection that we are safe.

Defeated Christians don’t project very much of the gospel, which is called good news. It can only be good news if it’s good. Defeated and beaten down Christian lives are not attractive and thus could not be said to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ.  Let’s stop believing the lie and being to believe the truth that God is good and he leads us into a triumphant parade.

Have you believed the lie? How would it make a difference to believe that God leads us in victory through Christ?


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