Top 10 Thankful List

I had a migraine today; it started in the morning, about 7:30. As I laid in bed, I started thanking the Lord, not for the migraine but for things like the fact that it was happening today (Tuesday) and not any other day of this week when it would really inconvenience me. I thanked him that my Boy is old enough to help me by taking care of the dogs and the horses before school. I thanked him for neighbours that I can call to ask them to bring my Boy to school. I thanked him that I get “auras” that warn me before the migraine starts so I could quickly finish up some things before I had to lay down and I thanked him that on a scale of 1 to 10, it was only a 7 in severity.

The peak of the migraine lasted only 4 hours, but the rest of the day, I feel what I describe as “fragile”, so I lay low and keep my activity and conversation to a minimum. In my introspective state, I began to think about all the things I’m thankful for. This wasn’t my post idea for Friday but I think it fits, seeing that my American neighbours to the south have been celebrating their Thanksgiving holiday.

Here’s my Top 10 Thankful list (not necessarily in order):

One:  I’m thankful for a husband that adores me and loves me so much it’s ridiculous. We worked hard and went through some very difficult times to get to this place but the difficult times are probably the reason I am so loved by my Man.
Two: I’m thankful for gorgeous men like Ryan Gosling (who should have been voted People’s Sexiest Man) and for Bradley Cooper (who is People’s Sexiest Man). They are a wonderful part of God’s creation but they have nothing on my Man. It’s true. The society women call my Man, “Hot Name” (insert his first name) because even though he well into his 40’s, his abs are every bit as nice as Ryan Gosling.
Three: I’m thankful for my Boy who makes me laugh. He’s always had a great sense of humour and is very witty and quick off the cuff – he takes after his father.
Four:  I’m thankful for finances that allow us to live comfortably (but not extravagantly) and be generous with others.
Five: I’m thankful for being Canadian. It’s Canada’s time to shine on the world stage and I’m proud for what my country stands for.
Six:  I’m thankful for living in an area that is rich with good Bible teaching and opportunities within a reasonable distance to drive. Other parts of the country and province are desperate and hungry for what is available right here, in my own backyard.
Seven:  I’m thankful for a church that makes me excited to attend every Sunday morning. It’s been several years since I’ve been excited about church.
Eight:  I’m thankful for many new relationships and connections God has been putting in my life in the past year. Of course, I love my long-time friendships as well.
Nine:  I’m thankful for a fantastic mom and dad, and for a mother and father-in-law I adore and have a great relationship with.
Ten:  I’m thankful for the gift of salvation through Jesus who died on the cross, which enables me to enter the throne room of God with boldness and confidence; and as a child of the Most High God, I can sit upon the lap of my Father and call him, “Abba.”

What are you thankful for?


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