& (there's more)

I don’t know if it’s just me and the season of life I’m in (I’m nearing the corner to 40) but it seems there is a question that reverberates in and out of conversations, Sunday morning sermons, magazine publications, blog posts - basically wherever people gather to discuss life matters. The question is this, “Is this                              (fill in the blank) all there is?”

Much of what I’ve worked for, longed for, or been promised has either been fulfilled or the promise and longing still seem so far off, it’s easy to lose hope and wonder if it will ever come to pass. I thought by 40 I’d be smarter, more spiritually-discerned, and visibly walking out the prophetic words over my life.

I have other friends who are also turning 40 and today I went shopping for a gift to celebrate my friend’s milestone birthday. I love gift-giving (almost as much as I love receiving gifts *wink) and I wanted to find a memorable gift that would mark the year adequately. I purchased a jewelry charm with a dangling ampersand to signify and remind my friend, no matter where she is in life, there is always more.

Pleased by my obviously excellent (and creative) ability to find the perfect gift, I realized how the sentiment applied to me, and everyone else I knew. And probably everyone I don’t know too. Wherever I am at the moment - in life, in joy, in faith, in miracles, in goodness, in fruit, in healing, in anything – there’s more. My current situation is not the end. Looking at the dangling ampersand in my hands it speaks, “And...there’s more.”

The word of God confirms it. John 10:10, “...I have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” Ephesians 3:20, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...” Hebrews 12:2, “...for the joy set before him...” Jeremiah 33:3, “...and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Habakkuk 2:3, “Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”

What are some of the prophetic words spoken over your life? Are they happening? If not, wait for them. Time and again, I’ve been told I am a leader [of many], with great favour among many churches and travelling to the nations. Currently I’m a leader of no one, I lack favour and influence within my own church and funds to finance a worldwide ministry are less than nil. From the looks of it, the words are merely that, just words. Except for the one who spoke them. With God, there is always more.

So many in the church have given up hope on their promises that I can practically hear the grumbling and disagreement but as I said recently to a friend, “You can disagree with me, but I’m not wrong.” Renew hope in the God of Hope. He started the good work when you received the word, he will bring it to completion. If the word isn’t fulfilled, then it’s not over yet.

I’m no longer considered a young adult and I’m not ready for Freedom 55, I’m in the middle, and at times it can feel like I’m stuck...until I remember. This is not the end. I’m simply at the ampersand, not the period.

&, there’s more.


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