Everyone Needs Someone

When I turned 30, I invited 30 women who have been influencers in my life to join me for a weekend in Whistler, BC. Some were women I’ve known my whole life, like my mother or aunt and others were new friends; some were 50+ years my senior, like Anne Waterton (I wrote about her here) and others were younger than me. As I prepared the invitation list, I counted my blessings because each woman was/is a blessing and an influencer to me. I’ve always put a strong value in having women in my life and I give them opportunity to speak into my life. Many are older and I value their experience and wisdom, and even if my choices are different, I listen and consider their counsel.

This week on Kingdom Bloggers, we are giving honour to someone who has influenced us. Come along with us as we give honour to people who have been special for us and join the conversation and let us know who has influenced you.


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